
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Myth of Capitalism and its asuric Aura-2

Streaming human society
I am purposely using this term ‘streaming human society’ instead of the common parlance known as evolution which is pregnant with the idea that the movement is necessarily related to human development in various stages from the so called transition from ape to man to the various stages of materialist production and consumption of human society.  The streaming human society gives up any claim whatsoever to human evolution from animals.  We will talk about this in much detail when we discuss the theory of karma and reincarnation.
Hindu Puraanaas describe very many instaces of the power changing hands from dhaarmic people to adharmic people and vice versa.  In Dhaarmic society the humans are able to pursue their objectives of life unhindered while under adharmic society such pursuit is completely run over.  The streaming human society therefore indicates that the motion is cyclical rather than merely so called developmental which is always measured in terms of human enjoyment of material pleasures.  My contention is that capitalism is asuric, it is the worst form of slavery and it militates against the idea of evolution from bad to good.  The alien invasions that were of the nature of both physical invasion as well as idealogical invasion and the resultant havocs wrought onBharatavarsha by these invaders and their secular view points clearly indicate that what prevails today is a fall from our laudable glory.  I am of the definite view that this fall can and will be reversed and our ancient glory restored.
Now back to our enunciation of the roots of society.
In adopting the unique discerning method of swaroopa lakshana of the worlds and the humans, it is the view of the Hindus that they were found to have Brahman as their base. By the same method of extracting the rasa, the worlds and all sentient and insentient beings were known to have been woven from the thrigunas of Sathwam, Rajas and Thamas.  The thrigunas came out the divine utterances called vyahrithisviz. Bhuhu, Bhuvaha and Swaha.
Earlier I have stated that the basis of a civil society lies in mamakaaram (ownership).  This mamakaaram is the extension of ahamkaaram, the sense of ‘I’ otherwise known as ego.  THE HINDU THOUGHT CONVINCINGLY STATES THAT THE WHOLE WORLD AND THE HUMAN SOCIETY AS ALSO THEIR KARMA OR WORK REST ON THIS AHAMKAARA.  Let’s see this through another story.
iii) Universe rests on the Triad of Space, Time and the Ahamkaara that is known as Causality
In story telling we always begin by saying “Once upon a time”, but this happened when there was no time! Yes, it was when Shiva was all alone delighting in His own glory of Kaivalyam(loneliness). He is the absolute, the one without a second. Should we say He was bored when hesaid “Dwitheeya Aathmam Bhavathi” (let me have a second self)? We do not know what prompted Him to say for there was no cause and effect then. But then could there be another for He is the absolute, the one without a second? If there is another then He can no more be absolute as he would be a ‘relative’ to the other. That would indeed be a fall from the glory that He never has to share with another. But then His wish is his own command! And it has to happen! And it did happen with the birth of the mind! We always say ‘my mind’ as if it is an object but no one has ever succeeded in pointing it out to the other. This mind is surely then the subject – the opposite of object – and indeed the other self! Shiva is, shall we say, no more bored because there is now someone who is always talking to him. That is why we are now listening to this talk of the mind called thoughts all the time.

Shiva LOVES His mind and she (did I say she? yes it was She!) makes him proud. He was never proud before. This was the beginning of the sort of rule that everyone listens to his wife and so is a proud ‘grihastha’. It does not matter that this listening would be contrary to wisdom because surely you would listen. Sita said to Rama that she wanted a golden deer that she had seen. Rama told her that there is no such thing as a golden deer in this Prakrthi. That was his wisdom and conviction and so he told her. However he who was convinced that there is no such thing as a golden deer, himself set out in search of the golden deer! Such is the power of the consort! All of these happen because she makes him proud. Therefore she is called ‘Ahopurushika’. There is this implied story in this name Ahopurushika described by Adi Shankara
in Soundarya Lahari. The story was that Ambaal was tossing Shiva into the three worlds of Waking, Dream and Deep Sleep. Vexed by this, one day Shiva used his powerful intellect, turning it into a thrisul and pierced the three worlds. Ambal asked him “Shiva, who destroyed the three worlds?” Shiva beat his chest said “I”!  As soon as he said “I”, the ahamkara revived the three worlds and lauched Shiva back into it!
Yes, the mind was dragging Shiva that he couldn’t concentrate on his own Self. That is why we are forgetful of our true Self, driven around by this mind. So Shiva decided to tie Ambaal to Himself just as one would tether a cow to a post. “Maangalyam thanthuna nena mama jeevana hethuna”. By this thread I give you please be the cause (more aptly purpose) of my life! Even today we celebrate and re-enact this event whenever there is a marriage between a boy and a girl. This mind, Ambaal is the true loving consort of Shiva. She is a real Pathivratha, for she never leaves her husband.
One day she shook Shiva from within as it would happen when we shake in horripilation. Or was it the shaking like the one who does so by the drinking of a pleasant intoxicant? Whatever it was, she caused Shiva to see three images of himself. What an illusion she has caused him! Therefore she is a great Maayini and she is the cause of all causes! Indeed there is no cause beyond her. To these three images that issued forth of Shiva, the great Maayini said, “I name you Brahma, Vishnu and Rudhra. I want you to create and I shall remain the Shakthi behind you.” Brahma was the first one to come out and said “I will create first”. So saying he said to himself, “Let me create everything so there will be nothing left to create. I will put the other two fellows out of business of creation.” He then meditated on what could be that which will be all creation.  Suddenly he said “Aha!” “Everything needs space to exist. I shall be the all embracing space.”  So saying he let out a great utterance (Vyahrithi) “Bhuhu”and BECAME SPACE. All that are in the space are in the domain of knowledge. So the space indeed is Sathwa Guna.
It was the turn of Vishnu next. He said to himself “What! This fellow Brahma has created everything. What is there left for me to create? He was a little upset but soon he got himself composed. “Alright” he said, “if I know who this Brahma is, then probably I’ll have a way out.”   He then meditated on Brahma. Suddenly he realized that Brahma is static. There is no place else  apart from Brahma so Brahma is motionless. He also understood that Brahma has only inside and no outside. He said “I have to create something that has no inside but outside and not static but dynamic in nature.” Then he uttered the vyahrithi “BHUVAHA’ and BECAME TIME. Time occupies no space! Time is motion. Anything that goes in time is lost. When someone is dead we say “kaalamaayittaar”. If space is existence then time is its antithesis. However time as motion causes things to live. You live through the motion of breath, called inhalation and exhalation. You live through the opposing heart function called systole and diastole. You live because of assimilation and dissimilation and so on. Indeed the entire universe functions by the struggle of the opposites (dwandhwam = the motion of the opposites against each other). Thanks to Vishnu the motion or shall we say the motive power this world is protected.
Those that are in motion are difficult to apprehend. You see a young man and some 30 years later you see him but not recognize him. Anything that is subject to Rajas is uncertain. Time is indeed Rajo Guna.
Then it was the turn of Rudra to create. He was indeed baffled at the task before him. He said “I have to do exactly what Vishnu did. I will meditate on them both. Perhaps then I will have a way out.” And so he meditated on both. He found out that both space and time are objects.  An object is the one that can be pointed out. Having come to this conclusion he let out the great utterance “SWAHA” and BECAME AHANKARA OR “I”. “I” is the subject as opposed to Space and Time that are objects. Then Rudra went to sleep and the entire world of objects melted into nothing in the darkness of ignorance in his sleep. He is indeed the destroyer! As he woke up again the world of objects got projected into being. He thus revives the creation and sustentation. Thus Ahankarabecame the cause (and effect) of the world. Ahankara is avidya (ignorance), Ahankarais the causality. Ahankara is thus the Thamo Guna.
(When Mahaperiava said “Ahankaarathai vidu”, was he not suggesting to us a way to escape from this samsaara?)
“Ecellent Creation!” exclaimed Maaya. “This creation cannot be sustained if even one of you is absent. You will always be together in this enterprise.” So saying she put them together into a single body. So they became one body with three heads (Trimurthy) or could we say that the creation is like a stool with three legs? Surely you could find everything in sets of three in this creation.
OM Namo Rudraya Vishnave mrithyur may paahi (Prostrations to Him who is known as Rudhra, Vishnu and Mrithyu who protects me).
iv)  Anna Vichaaram
Yes, we do find everything in sets of three in this creation.
The three Gods Brahma, Vishnu and Rudhra and yet they are one;
The three Vyahrthis viz. Bhu:, Bhuva: and Swa:
The thrigunas of Sathwam, Rajas and Thamas and yet they exist together in everything in varying proportion;
Three Vedas called Thrisabdham are RkYajus and Saaman all of these are composed of rks or manthras.  Those rks that did not form part of the above three Vedas were compiled into AtharvaNa Veda by Veda Vyaasa;
The three important Gods who have domains viz. the earth, the world of manes and the world of gods – these concern man in his sanchaara or travel – are Agni, Vaayuand Soorya;
The three worlds of man’s sojourn are Bhulokam (earth), Bhuvarlokam (the world of manes) and Suvarlokam  (the world of the Devas).  In this scheme Bhulokam is his home because it is his karma bhoomi.  The other two are his bhoga bhoomi.
Life itself consists of birth, life and death.
Whether it be Gods, worlds or humans they all have to be sustained by food only.  Without food they all will collapse into their source.
Food is produced by karma.  Karmas are performed in accordance with Vedas.  Vedas were beginningless and they remained as sabhdas (sounds) in space.  Great sages called Drishtaas heard them.  Those that were heard by them were therefore calledSruthi.  These Sruthis were thus given to mankind by Manthra Dhrishtaas.  Vast portion of these Sruthi were lost since the alien invasion that began some 1000 years ago.  What we are left with today is something of a rudimentary nature clutching upon which man can regain his dharma, his nature.
The sense of ‘I’ or ahamkaaram is indispensable for a jeeva.  It is only when he loses this that he transcends the worlds, otherwise he roams in them eternally.  Thisahamkaaram is a body called kaaraNa sareeram.
Then there is this entity that is actually bunch of items that form the indispensable faculties called PraaNa the motive power which some call as vital force, thejnaanendhriyas that form the organs of knowledge, karmendriyas or the organs ofkarma , the manas or mind and then the buddhi or the intellect.  This entity is the cause of karma and carries the effects of phala of the karmas in seed form in a non-physical bag called sanchi.  This entity is the bhOktha (enjoyer or sufferer as the case may be).  This entity is also a body called sookshma sareeram. It always carries with it the kaaraNa sareeram.
On the direction of Easwara who is the karmaphala dhaatha (dispenser of the fruits of karma) this sookshma sareeram gets lodged in a gross-body at the time of conception.
The Gross body that we are all familiar with is the sthoola sareeram.  It carries with it the sookshma sareeram which in turn carries the kaaraNa sareeram.  Sthoola sareeram resides only in Bhulokam which is the karma bhoomi.
Now let us begin our meditation on Annam or food.
Why food?
Without food all creations cease to exist.  Food alone sustains the creation.
“Yatsapthannani Medhyaa Thapasaajanayathpithaa”|
The father produced seven kinds of food through meditation and rites.
Here father means not only Hiranyagarbha but every father subsequent to him.Medha means knowledge of the Veda through which the results were produced as otherwise it is not possible to produce. Thapas means Karma through which they were produced as enunciated in the Brahmana portion of the Vedas. This would then translate into desire (let me have a wife) for results viz. the projection of a world.
Now we are stating the varieties of food.
“Ekamasya Saadhaaranam.” One is common to all eaters.
Since this food is common to all one should not take more than his share for that would cause grief and pain to others. Those who take more than their share would therefore become robbers and sinners. There is a Vedic Manthra that says: “I eat that person as food who eats food without giving part of it to others.”
“Pasubya Ekam Praayachathu”|
He gave one to to the animals. What kind of food is this? It is the milk. How is it determined that the animals are owners of this food? Because men and animals first live on milk alone.
Note:  The animals practically have only the gross body as the sookshma sareeramand the kaaraNa sareeram in them never completely manifest.  Thus they are only predatory and not productive.  This is the reason for the Father to give only one food to the animals.
“Dwe Devaanabaajayathu”|
He apportioned two foods to the gods.  That is why even today we make one oblation in the fire and the second one as neivedhyam at the end.
Why two foods to the gods?
Because they have two bodies. They are Sookshma Sariram (subtle body) andKaarana Sariram (causal body) and the bodies are made of food only (Annamaya kosam).
Note: Devas (as also pithris) are enjoyers and not karmis (workers).  Therefore they have only two bodies.  Devas (but not pithris) can temporarily manifest a gross-body but the gross body is never a permanent abode of the devas.
“Threenyaathmane Akurutha”|
He fixed three foods for himself. Why? Because he has three bodies. They are theSthoola Sariram (gross body), the Sookshma Sariram (the subtle body) and theKaarana Sariram (the causal body).
The gross body is known only in the waking state.
Vaak’ or speech represents the Sookshma Sariram that is known in the dream state. Main feature of this sareera is the understanding of events that take place. Vaakrepresents understanding.  ‘Manas’ or mind represents Kaarana Sariram. Being ignorant of the Real Self which is beyond cause and effect; mind becomes the residence of cause and effect. Thus this mind causes the projection of one’s world when he wakes up and its dissolution when he goes into deep sleep.
Because it is ignorant, it does not know of its own existence and of the world in deep sleep.
Hiranyagarbha by his manifestations has the composite body (samashti) of the three worlds called earth, sky and heaven, the three Vedas called Rk, Yajur and Saaman, the three different beings called Devas, Pithrus and Manushyas  (humans) and three members of the family called mother, father and child which in turn came about fromVaak, Manas and the Vital Force (praaNa).
On what basis did it happen?
These are what is known, what is desireable to know and what is unknown. Whatever is known is a form of the Vaak or Speech for he is the knower. Whatever is desireable to know is a form of  Manas or Mind for Mind is what is desireable to know. Whatever is unknown is a form of Praana or Vital Force for Vital Force is what is unknown.
v) Let us compare and contrast
In the posting titled Swaroopa Lakshanam(2) I explained (a) the Thrigunaas are the bricks and mortar of all creations; and (b) that Brahman conditioned or enveloped by the Gunas becomes the universe.  This is in contrast to what the Abrahamic religionists believe. What do they believe?
They believe in their Bible which says God created angels, man, heaven and earth. God occupied heaven with the retinue of angels while he gave earth to man.  Originally the single man Adam that he created from whom he brought out Eve, his companion, are the only ones that were supposed to occupy and roam the earth.  However by a twist of event the man ie. Adam fell from this enviable position of eternity – a Grace for the believers.  And fall did he to death while he left behind generations of his race of mankind.  This mankind is all human bodies with souls that God created though, alas, they do carry for no fault of their own the original sin of Adam.
The same twist was caused by yet another twist that happened earlier to it not on earth but in heaven that a certain angel rebelled against God and a battle royal ensued between God and the rebel that went on without a winner emerging.  It was a stalemate only to result in a truce by which God created hell as a domain for this rebellious angel called Satan.  The truce was that God and Satan will not tread into each other’s territory.  However earth became common to both.
And because of this that Satan incited Adam to defy God’s mandate not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge and thus incurred God’s wrath and curse.
In addition to the original sin the men are capable and are prone to commit sin inexorably.  So they are all trooping upon their death to the inevitable hell.  Among such of those rare ones who lead lonely life of good,  God by his Grace and not by the virtue of man for the simple reason that God’s authority to choose has to be unbridled, picks a few and take them to heaven.
Though there is elaborate details of misery that one would experience for eternity in hell nothing much exciting news about the life in heaven which is also for eternity.  We are told “Heaven is a place of “no mores.” There will be no more tears, no more pain, and no more sorrow (Revelation 21:4). There will be no more separation, because death will be conquered (Revelation 20:6). The best thing about heaven is the presence of our Lord and Savior (1 John 3:2). We will be face to face with the Lamb of God who loved us and sacrificed Himself so that we can enjoy His presence in heaven for eternity.” ( )
So a certain good Christian penned his thoughts on what the heaven could be like for us all to perhaps understand.  Mind you this is for eternity.  Would you be bored of the same thing over and over ad infinitum?  I leave it to you to understand  what the Christians have to offer as heaven for your so called good behaviour which does not automatically bring you heaven but only a chance to go there.
Here is a Christian of our modern times coming up with an idea of heaven.
What is heaven like?
by Michael Vallins  Friday, May 13, 2011
“I  wonder if you’ve ever thought about what you will do in heaven or wondered what will be there when (and if) you finally go? All I’d heard (and this is likely the same for you), all I’d heard is that we get a crown, a white robe and a harp and we just worshipped and sang praise songs to God all the time and that was it, 24/7.  Three years ago I was diagnosed with terminal cancer and earlier this month when my health seemed worse I realized I had to face the fact that I may be going to heaven earlier than I expected. I have no way of knowing when and I truly don’t mind waiting, but anyway I decided to find out what I could expect if I did go.  Besides the crown and harp thing I had often heard that heaven is a place where there isn’t any pain, suffering, sorrow, unhappiness, strife, stress, or sadness—forever, for eternity. That is hard for our finite mind to comprehend. But I’ll take that—what I’ve been through in this last year—as have many people, though perhaps in a different way—to have no suffering or pain would be a paradise just in itself. However, while I do love music, singing and worship, if that was it, the harp and crown thing, it didn’t get me very excited. I hope that doesn’t sound irreverent, a point I’ll return to later. I thought there must be more. So I sought out books by people, Christians, who had gone to heaven, returned and wrote about what they saw.
I do understand that there are scientists and doubters who say that at the time of death there are certain biological chemicals released, a build-up of Co2, or something called Dimethyltryptamine, and others, and when combined with stress and pain then visions are seen which if the person comes back to life they describe. However, they admit they cannot actually pinpoint the cause. I prefer to believe the writings of those with a reverence for God and each of these authors had that. I find it more exciting to believe them anyway. Listen to this:
When the authors returned from heaven they wrote vividly about their experiences and what they individually saw, especially the descriptions—extravagant colours, wonderful music, breathtaking scenery, majestic and exotic trees and flowers, beautiful houses and gardens—all of which is very lovely; but there was something else which was I felt was wonderful—waiting to greet those who entered heaven would be family and favourite friends who’d gone on before, and surprisingly, in some cases, our babies who had died at birth, and our children who had perhaps died too early. Is that not lovely?
As wonderful as that is, there is even more. . . . The most beautiful aspect for me was this—take all that descriptive beauty of a perfect heaven I just mentioned, and your loving family and friendships (and fuller descriptions I’ll later read from the book Within Heaven’s Gates, by Rebecca Springer), then take your most ardent dream of a perfect existence, which will include the stuff you just love to do, art, music, dancing, golf, fishing, cooking, writing, praise and worship, and surround that with never-ending joy-filled peace and total happiness without any suffering and pain—for eternity. I may sound repetitive and in some cases simplistic but I want my explanation to be comprehendible.”
If your are interested you can continue to read Michael Vallins at or you can be happy with his post script that says it all namely, “PS. I read somewhere that someone hoped heaven was love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self control…and all the chocolate you could eat.But then heaven is for an infinitely small percentage of people, so most people would rather try to know what is it like in their hell which would be their permanent abode upon death.
They call it eternal damnation. They say it is a lake of fire (Revelation 20:10), John describes those in the “lake of fire” being “tormented day and night forever and ever.” The expression day and night is used in Revelation to express the concept of “forever.” The lake of fire is described in Revelation 19:20 as a place that “burns with brimstone.” In the saddest verse in the Bible, John declares that anyone whose name is not written in the book of life is “thrown into the lake of fire” (Revelation 20:15).
So much is enough of their hell and we get the idea.  The Muslims probably agree to this hell.  Only that their heaven is different.  It could probably include the Christian description of heaven except that instead of Jesus Christ sitting next to God it would be Mohammed.  But in addition the Muslim heaven is a bit tasty, if we are allowed this expression.  Some say that Muslim Heaven Reads Like a Playboy’s Dream.  Also it is described as a river of wine though to their embarassment their book says that no alcoholic ever gets into the heaven.  The main attraction in Muslim heaven is the unlimited sexual pleasures.  One Hadith (official Muslim tradition) that says, “The lowliest of the inhabitants of paradise will be he who has eighty thousand servants, seventy-two wives…” The Koran speaks of virgin maidens who will be enjoyed by men with enhanced sexual stamina. Don’t ask why some people are sevants and sex slaves to others in heaven!
In the Hindu concept God is everything.  He is the Heaven, He is the middle region and He is this earth.  He is sun, moon stars and the space.  He is the man, woman, animal, vegetation and even the inert things. He is you and me.  Hindu sees God everywhere and in everything.  Thus there is no hell and eternal damnation for the Hindu.
Now let us turn our attention to the materialists/marxists.  India had atheists and materialists in the days of yore called Carvakas.  However they were no rebels as for as the State was concerned and they abided by the Dharma so they belonged to Sanathana Dharma.  Buddha and Jaina whose philosophies denied the existence of God however placed great emphasis on Dharma that today the Indian State considers them as part of Hinduism.
However the case of these materialists/marxists whose roots lie in Europe is different from the Indian atheists.  The European materialists were revolutionaries bent on overthrowing the system.  Moreover they are Euro-centric and their opposition to the involvement of anything divine is directed against Christianity that is the European religion. Their knowledge of Dhaarmic concepts or even kaarmic theory of cause and effect is next to nothing.  Surely Marx knew a big zero about Hinduism and the very little yet deragatory comments he made against Hinduism were based on the Christian missionaries’ writings. This makes it only easier for us to expose their fragility of arguments and bankruptcy of philosophical mooring.
What marks the marxists as different from the western materialists is their proletarianism otherwise they both are same.  According to the materialists matter per se is the substance of all PHYSICAL OBJECTS that exist in four states (or phases) of solid, liquid, gas and plasma.  According to them the only thing that exists is matter.  The opponents to this school of thought are called Idealists.
What is the difference between the Idealists and Materialists?
The Idealists say that the Spirit or God is primary.  This supports the view of the Christians and the other Abrahamic religions that God created Heaven and earth.  The Materialists say that the matter is primary.  They assert the matter exists and there is nothing to prove that it did not exist at any time.  Thus they question the Christian view that the matter did not exist and it was brought about by God. What is understood as the spirit viz. the consciousness, according to materialists, is a product of nature in its evolution, thought being the function of the brain, brain being part of the body and body developed from amoeba in millions of years of evolution.
To the Materialists cause and effect is a philosophical category and accidents are part of nature and so they glossed over the contradiction between their belief in cause and effect on the one hand and the accidents on the other.  However they used the idea of cause and effect to attack the theory of creation.  Some valid arguments are:
a) What was the need for God to create? Any answer to this would only be a matter of choice and hence arbitrary;
b) Why would he take six days to create?  Arbitrary;
c) Why would he create enormous number of angels? Arbitrary;
d) Why was he not smart to foresee that some of these angels could turn against him and that he could not defeat them?  Arbitrary;
e) Why would he plant a forbidden fruit tree in paradise when his intention was to create it for the everlasting happiness of Adam and  Eve?  Arbitrary;
f) Why would a father curse a son to death for transgression and yet claim to be the Lord of compassion?  Arbitrary;
g) Why would he create souls that have Adam’s original sin attached to them?  Arbitrary;
h) Why would he keep creating souls that are inexorably marching to hell and yet claim to be the Lord of Love?  Arbitrary;
etc.etc. in these lines to prove that God is irrational and to demand that the believer in the biblical God end their belief and become ‘realistic’.
We the Hindus who believe in Karma, the theory of cause and effect, have lot to agree with the materialists in their attack against the Christian view of God and his creation though we do not believe in accidents.  Even the so called accidents are caused and that is our absolute conviction of cause and effect.  However we do dispute the abslouteness of the ‘matter’ that they postulate.  Why?
First and foremost is that the observation of the phenomena that the materialists rely on to claim the eternity of matter also lends to the fact that all objects have a beginning, a life and death irrespective of the fact that an object may or may not lend itself to be transformed.  The idea that it, the matter, remains in one form or the other is only tentative and not absolute.
Second and most important is on their assertion that the matter is primary and the consciousness is a product of matter.  In other words the primary matter is actually UNCONCIOUS that they claim to have ‘produced’ consciousness.  The unconcious matter is thus an inert object.  The materialists themselves agree what inertia actually means.  The definition of inertia is based on Newton’s First Law: objects in motion tend to stay in motion and objects at rest tend to stay at rest. Inertia is a property of matter by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless changed by an external force. Inertia is that an object not subject to any net external force moves at a constant velocity. Thus an object will continue moving at its current velocity until some force causes its speed or direction to change.
When it is said that it moves in constant velocity, it clearly indicates that it cannot accelerate.  The inertia that is the character of the matter thus clearly defines itself as the opposite of sentience which is the consciousness and which has the practical ability of volition.
A production has to be consciously driven more so if it has to ‘produce’ such an all important entity as consciousness!  Suddenly giving up cause and effect and resorting to accidents are plainly opportunistic.  Consciousness is no ‘accidental’ happening especially ’caused’ by a matter whose existence is subject to birth, decay and death.  So the Marxists and the Materialists of European variety are as much arbitrary in their philosophical mooring as their counterparts belonging to Abrahamic religions.

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