We're living with something of an irony right now regarding
leadership. On the one hand, the topic has never been more studied and written
about; my recent Google search for leadership research by academies and
institutes returned some 375,000 hits. On the other hand, we are experiencing a
dearth of leadership in society. We see fewer prominent leaders who seem
genuine and highly capable, and many who have been compromised, deposed, or
defeated. Even more seem to have run out of ideas, or simply appear unable to
craft the necessary consensus to lead. Perhaps it's really not so ironic that
there would be this inverse relationship: the deeper we sink into leadership
crisis, the more it shows up on the agendas of think tanks and conferences.
From my own perspective as someone who has had a front-row
seat to leadership over a few decades, it isn't so much that today's leaders
fall short of the capabilities or character leaders had in the past. It isn't
that the visionary, principled, courageous type we would all prefer to follow
was once common and is now a rarity. Rather, it's the context of leadership
that has changed, so that people with just as great capability as their
predecessors find it much harder today to lead. We could probably cite many
factors that have contributed to this shift, but three are particularly
important. As I see it, leaders in the past had the great advantages of:
Privileged access to information. People naturally look for direction from someone they perceive to be in possession of more information about an evolving situation. It used to be that leaders were in a unique position to gain information, and to dole it out on a need-to-know basis. Now the world is awash in instantly accessible information of all types and on all subjects. Human beings making ground-level observations can communicate them directly to others either around the globe or around the corner, while they walk down the sidewalk of an urban neighborhood or the dirt path of a remote jungle.
Privileged access to information. People naturally look for direction from someone they perceive to be in possession of more information about an evolving situation. It used to be that leaders were in a unique position to gain information, and to dole it out on a need-to-know basis. Now the world is awash in instantly accessible information of all types and on all subjects. Human beings making ground-level observations can communicate them directly to others either around the globe or around the corner, while they walk down the sidewalk of an urban neighborhood or the dirt path of a remote jungle.
Is it any wonder that the Web became the greatest fear factor
of every dictator? When even State Department communiques become public knowledge and, in almost any realm, an
impassioned nobody can be in greater possession of the facts than a leader in
that same realm, information is decoupled from leadership. In fact the flows of
information actively undercut leadership—both the practice and the perceived
need for it.
The reflected glory of their institutions. Twenty years ago, a citizen might not
know the name of a Fortune 500 CEO or NGO director, but
they knew the reputation of the institution—and made an assumption that the
person chosen to lead it must personify its good qualities. Two things have
changed that: it is much easier to see leader and institution separately, and
there has been a significant decline in respect for the institutions
themselves. Whether we're talking about multinational corporations, churches,
or public treasuries, we are constantly reminded by Pew and Gallup that
reputations now scrape the bottom. There is an increasing perception of
incompetence, greed, and frivolity at the expense of the governed, the taxed,
and the managed.
Are institutions truly less noble, or is it that they, as
well as their leaders, are subjected to more relentless scrutiny? In my own
years in the White House I vividly recall the media's clamoring for details
about presidential habits and the daily life of the West Wing—only to find them
all too ordinary and boring to report. Today the media churns out every minor
indiscretion and then, in a rare act of community, the public blogs on it.
Social media platforms give motivated critics, even lone voices, the ability to
be heard. YouTube is a bargain-basement media buy for campaigning on any issue.
Whether it is a matter of perception or reality, we can only
hope that respect for our institutions will rise again. Institutions are where
we join together, worship together, convene, gather, assemble, debate,
celebrate, where preachers preach and where leaders convince. When any of them
loses respect, society loses a platform for concerted action. Potentially great
leaders lose a platform for leadership.
Broadly shared foundational principles. One other foundation of leadership that used to be firmly in place seems shaken today: a common understanding of the age-tested principles, religious or moral, that should guide decisions. Leaders may be yet another victim of the move away from the teaching and practice of moral values and their integration in early family life. Interpersonal relations patterns start early and are almost impossible to change; taking a graduate school class in ethics may be too late for someone who has not had good character modeled for them and required of them from early childhood. Much is said today about the diminution of the "actions have consequences" school of hard knocks that may have built the best leaders.
Broadly shared foundational principles. One other foundation of leadership that used to be firmly in place seems shaken today: a common understanding of the age-tested principles, religious or moral, that should guide decisions. Leaders may be yet another victim of the move away from the teaching and practice of moral values and their integration in early family life. Interpersonal relations patterns start early and are almost impossible to change; taking a graduate school class in ethics may be too late for someone who has not had good character modeled for them and required of them from early childhood. Much is said today about the diminution of the "actions have consequences" school of hard knocks that may have built the best leaders.
Meridian International, which offers a gathering place and
leadership training for diplomats and internationalists in Washington DC, has
studied this problem. Its conclusion: "Trust in public and private sector
leaders can only be restored when leaders align value-based decisions, not
rhetoric, with basic aspirations such as security and economic
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Leadership has never been easy. But I suspect it was simpler
in an era when leaders could count on superior information access, reverence
for their institutions, and strong moral bearings to assemble greater
followership. The conditions of the past help to explain why the WWII military
personnel who performed so well in European, Pacific, and North African
theatres returned home to become such competent leaders in industry.
Conditions have changed to make leadership harder. Spencer
Stuart's Tom Neff, the dean of CEO Executive Search, puts it baldly: "We
are experiencing a demand for new types of skills and sacrifices in C-level
executives that many are not prepared to bring to the table."
Of course, the corollary is that great leadership capability
has never been more valuable. Even as the accessibility of information makes it
less necessary for a group to have a leader to inform, organize, and mobilize
its action, the sheer glut of information makes it more vital for a leader to
show how all the data add up to a meaningful narrative—to interpret and
inspire. If institutional reverence cannot be assumed, it is a bigger part of
the leader's work to engage hearts and minds. In an era when character is not a
given, the leader who consistently displays integrity will have real impact.
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